Story by Alison Stewart
If you build it they will come. Wait a minute, nothing has been built yet, what was all of that free-wheeling taking place on Yonge Street this past Saturday? Over a hundred cyclists gathered in front of City Hall in 28 degree heat to participate in a family friendly ride down and up Yonge Street, with the protection of a police escort, in celebration of Bike Month. The group was happy to celebrate the upcoming installation of the Bloor bike lanes pilot in August and the council approval to study the possibility of bringing bike lanes to the Danforth.
Many of the cyclists who came out did so expressly for the opportunity to ride on Yonge Street without the fear of being hit by a car. We had people of all ages, including some young ones who will hopefully grow up to see a Toronto with a wider network of safe bike infrastructure.
The police escort was great, and it was very enjoyable watching them reprimand the cars parking illegally and stopping traffic at all the intersections to let us by. #Cycletopia. But what was particularly enjoyable about this group ride, as with most, is that it brought a diverse representation of our humanity together, united by one thing: the desire to enjoy our city by navigating the streets on bike.
Our new issue of dandyhorse has arrived! dandyhorse is available for FREE at Urbane Cyclist, Bikes on Wheels, Cycle Couture, Sweet Pete's, Hoopdriver, Batemans, Velofix, and Steamwhistle. Our new issue of dandyhorse includes cover art by Kent Monkman, interviews with Catherine McKenna and the women behind Toronto's first feminist bike zine, lots of news and views on Bloor, Under Gardiner and the West Toronto Railpath and much, much more! Get dandy at your door or at better bike and book shops in Toronto.
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