We are continuing our blog postings directly from the Friends for Life Bike Rally. Here's what Peter Harte had to say about the second day:
Story by Peter Harte
Photos by Dillon Sheenaard
Day 2 - July 25
Today was our longest day, 126k. We woke up to thunder and lightening and it rained all through breakfast. The rain let up a little as we left camp but then the torrential downpour began soon after. But you know for me, I love riding in the rain. I honestly feel more alive on a bike in the rain than I do on any given day. And despite today being much longer than yesterday, I felt much stronger. I think I just needed a warm up before feeling "back at it". It was also too cold and rainy to stick around long at breaks and lunch, and so I just muscled through. Unfortunately I couldn't take an photos on the road because I was worried about my phone getting wet. But stayed turned for tomorrow's post when we are on the road dressed in red!
I managed to escape flat tires as well. I've heard a two different people talking about getting four flats today. Four! When it rains I guess the debris on the road all washes to the sides - right where we are riding.
Near the end of the day the group I was riding with hit up the LCBO in Picton for some well deserved tall cans. When I arrived at camp I got to go into a beautiful sandy beach and wash off all the grit from the roads. Tonight's special event is talent night and I am doing a group improv skit. I'm playing a mother and so I packed the best drag outfit I could muster from my tickle trunk at home.
The end often evening almost turned into a line dancing party, but everyone was too tired to dance longer than once haha.
Thanks, Peter! Stay tuned for daily updates from the Friends for Life Bike Rally for the People With AIDS Foundation.
Our new issue of dandyhorse has arrived! dandyhorse is available for FREE at Urbane Cyclist, Bikes on Wheels, Cycle Couture, Sweet Pete's, Hoopdriver, Batemans, Velofix, and Steamwhistle.Our new issue of dandyhorse includes cover art by Kent Monkman, interviews with Catherine McKenna and the women behind Toronto's first feminist bike zine, lots of news and views on Bloor, Under Gardiner and the West Toronto Railpath and much, much more! Get dandy at your door or at better bike and book shops in Toronto.
Related on dandyBLOG:
Friends For Life Bike Rally: Day 1
Friends For Life Bike Rally: Meet Peter
Friends for Life Bike Rally: Rubbermaid Rustlers heroes of packing day